Temperature control technology

We produce high-quality products in the field of temperature control and cooling systems. In addition to standard systems, we also offer alternating and pulse temperature control devices in a wide performance range. For the heat transfer medium water and for alternative heat transfer fluids we offer devices with temperature ranges from -40 °C to + 350 °C.

E. Braun GmbH  |  Entwicklung und Vertrieb von technischem Zubehör
Am Markt 1  |  91126 Kammerstein  |  info@e-braun.de  |  www.e-braun.de

Special machines

Our plant engineering for special machines offers you flexible solutions and fast implementation of your specific requirements. The use of energy-efficient systems is a matter of course. Well-known customers from plastics processing, die casting technology or process engineering have appreciated our know-how for more than 35 years.


Together we record your initial situation and define objectives


Ganz individuell projek­tieren wir Ihren Fall und zeigen Ihnen Lösungen auf


Wir realisieren norm­gerecht und mit höchsten Qualitäts­­ansprüchen Ihre Innovation


In case of questions or needed help we always remain your reliable partner


Our declared goal is to create an environment in which all employees of E. Braun GmbH are encouraged to continuously improve quality. The basis of our quality system is the quality standard according to the DIN EN ISO 9000:2000 standard. Goals and requirements are regularly communicated to the employees of E. Braun GmbH and their commitment becomes visible in their actions and activities.

We strive to supply our partners and customers with innovative products and services beyond their expectations. We commit ourselves to act in accordance with the applicable legal regulations and industry standards, particularly with regard to efficiency and value, as well as to occupational safety and environmental protection criteria.

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